Tuesday, November 10, 2009


  1. Dr Singh
    thanks for all the input and i do agree the citizens should help the Police and respect them for the tiring job they conduct but the same also applies vice versa let me point out to you a incident happended to me on the 22 November 2009 just below my house at 1 am in Rastapeth , i had just driven from Mumbai to visit my sick Mother and after parking my Car on the street was moving towards my building with my couple of relatives when the night patrol jeep stopped us and asked whether we needed a lift first i was quite amazed of this courteous behaivour,i declined the offer and explained that we just stay accross the street , the PI (Samarth Police Station which i later found out )said if i needed a lift to the lock up ,i was so shattered a this response and was speechless did not react much and just walked my way to the building ashamed of ,myself at this humliation and believe till date i get the goose bumps about police now ,apparently the next day there was this opening of the New FRO office and i myself a Canadian citizen working in India , paying my Income Tax regularly get such a awfull treatment for no reason and all the talk about achieveing great heights in regards to foreigerns etc in the ceremony next day will get the force no where till the grass root level work is not improved
    i am sending these comments as whenever i think of the incident has a very negative impact about the force now and think why should i or anybody help the police when we are not treated with respect at all
    please revert if any queries
    Sujit Alve

  2. Dear Sir,

    It is for awareness of one citizen who like to live in peace and safe Pune. I am staying at Maharashtra Housing Society, Near to Vegetable Market. I observed it that in the market premises sellers are not seating from the beginning and stands on the road with stall, which create traffic problem as well as disturbing us to enter in the building. Secondly, This market is openly used for drinking alcohol, group of unidentified people standing over there, smoking, starring and even sleeping also. In the current scenario, it is very unsafe, even they are not listening our polite requests and Police and Politician also not willing to touch this place and help us. More people are illegally expand their houses and give it on rent. Is they are registered with Police Station? again unhygienic and unsafe atmosphere has been created. Will u help me in this situation.

    Citizen of Pune


  3. Dear Sir
    You says help the police and police will help you but if police does not try to help
    puneites than what to do???

    Iam from UP,lucknow and iam staying in pune from last two months and i have carried car from Lucknow so whenever we go in the market by car and sometime we found place where there is no place in parking area so we place the car there for a min and suddenly traffic police comes and charge the fine for Rs 350/- i.e. 250 for toeing and 100 for non parking.
    If car is not toed than why he has charged for Rs 250. so to fix their daily or monthly targets,police charge the extra amount unnecessary. In this way Police charged extra amount. And as iam from UP,here police always try to catch us to fine unnecessary.

    Also i want to ask one question for my knowledge
    i.e.If any one carry car from any state to Pune,any type of NOC is required to run the vehicle in pune
